Helping The Automaker

My current endeavor is to sort, categorize and predict the most likely choice of vehicle purchase for each state in the United States. While it is no small task to retrieve this data, I believe the insights gained from it can improve the marketing strategies for vehicle manufacturers especially in those states where a competitor holds the market.

Helping The Consumer

With the data collected and organized by region and popular vehicle, a consumer focused model will help those looking to purchase a new vehicle decide by popular opinion what vehicles are best suited to their particular region. For example it may prove more cost effective to purchase a prius in New York than it would in say Alaska.

Helping Everyone

In this multi stage process, the data collected in the first two stages has most of the information needed for my end goal. But information pertaining to common repairs needed for individual vehicles and repair costs by region are still crucial to the cause. Collecting this data and gleaning information from it allows a model to predict A: The most common repairs you might encounter for a given vehicle in your region and B: The typical cost related to those repairs based on your region. For example your f-150 may have a high rate of failure for the transmission at 150,000 miles in Colorado and cost $3000 to repair, but in New Mexico the F-150 may have a higher failure rate for the wheel bearings at 50,000 miles and cost $1000 to repair. Knowing when to expect the failures and how much they cost to repair will not only help the consumer but also help the automaker know how different environments affect their products utilizing real world information and feedback.